Discovering iQSports has been exciting. While I might not be an expert on tier structures, what I do know is that this platform is a visual and functional
masterpiece. Its sleek design is not just eye-catching; it's a reflection of a system that works seamlessly and is continuously evolving for the better.
In terms of analytics and stats, comparing it to Hudl assist is a night and day difference – it's like comparing a high-performance sports car to a bicycle.
At Union, we were shelling out $12,000 annually for Hudl, and iQSports surpasses it by a factor of 100. If you're operating within the 500-750 range, you're
not just in business; you're at the forefront of a technological revolution. As the prices climb, teams may question the value, but remember, the enthusiasm
and willingness to invest vary across regions. Schools in Texas, for instance, will recognize the value and be more than willing to invest in this cutting-edge
technology compared to teams in Washington or Oregon.